Troughs for Flowers are widely used in home gardens.
They are used to plant flowering or foliage plants after filling a planting medium.
There are several types of flower troughs which are widely constructed by “Lakmal Gardens” at our sites such as.
“Kabok” Troughs
Wooden Finished Troughs
Point granite troughs
“Kabok” troughs
“Kabok” brick is a special kind of reddish color brick having a rough surface.
These bricks are used to build troughs in landscapes.
Usually “Kabok” troughs are built attaching to an existing wall.
First step is to dig a trench having six inches depth along the boundary of the trough.
Then the foundation is laid and building of the “Kabok” wall will be started.
“Kabok” trough is built up to a height of two or three bricks with round shaped edges to the trough.
Then the top of the wall is leveled using the cement plaster and the top of the wall and outer edges are shaped.
After those outer lines of “Kabok” bricks are highlighted by filling the small gaps between the stones with cement or colored cement. Then the planting medium is filled and required plants can be planted.
Wooden finished troughs for flowers
Wooden finished flower trough is another kind of flower trough which is widely used
In-home landscaping. It demarcates the area of plants using a cement boundary which
is appearing as a fence made of wood. Various heights such as 10, 12 and 14 inches are used for building these troughs.
When creating such a trough, as the first step, the concrete boundary is made using rectangular blocks which are appearing as woods of a woody fence.
After that a paste is applied on these rectangular blocks in order to obtain the woody appearance.
This paste is made by mixing granite dust, sand and cement.
Streaks are re-painted using a brush after applying this paste on the outer surfaces to increase the woody appearance.
Appropriate colors are then applied to the outer surface.
These colors are made by mixing few relevant colors available in the market in order to obtain the right woody color.
Then a yellow cement paste is applied to the top surfaces of the woods in wooden trough.
Troughs for flowers made from Point Granite
Usually “Point Granite” troughs are made to cover the lower (root) portion of an existing large tree to obtain a good finish.
First step is to dig a trench having a depth of six inches around the tree with the radius of around two or three feet.
All the roots are removed beyond the trench while doing this .
Then a cement-sand mixture is applied to the bottom of the trench and granite should be placed to fill the trench up to the ground level.
After that gaps are filled with cement sand mixture in the foundation.
Then the building of the wall on this foundation has to be started. When building this granite wall, flat-surfaced granite are used to the outer side of the wall.
The top surface of the wall is leveled using cement after building the wall up to a height of one and a half feet.
Then the Trough is filled with the planting medium.
This planting medium is made by mixing topsoil, cow dung, coir dust and river sand in to the ratio of 4: 2: 1: 1.
Shade-loving foliage plants such as Aglaonema, Difenbachia, Philodendron, Anthurium, etc can be planted after filling the planting medium, .
Flower Troughs
These troughs for the flowers refers to a kind of planting pot that is built for planting foliage plants in locations, above the ground level, in their landscape designs.
These planting pots are built in various sizes according to the locations that they are going to be placed.
As the first step, the required shaped frame is built using steel when creating a “Flower Troughs”, .
Then the bottom of the frame is covered using “chicken nets” and side walls are covered using “Steel nets”.
After that a cement grout is applied to the walls of the “Flower Troughs”.
When the outer walls are painted using appropriate colors which are matching to the final location.
Then planting medium should be filled into the “Flower Troughs”.
This planting medium is made mixing topsoil, cow dung, coir dust and river sand into the ratio of 4:2:1:1.
After that, suitable plants which are matching to the location could be planted in this Flower Troughs,
However a suitable irrigation mechanism also should be provided for watering. These “Flower Troughs” are not practical because they are placed above the ground level.